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How to find the best office space for small businesses?

Finding a suitable office space is no less than finding a suitable house to live in as it affects your day-to-day functions and also helps to build your brand image. It is also important that a workplace should cater to the environment to the workforce and their requirements. At first, it may be a bit of a task as there are many factors to be considered while renting or owning a property for work. One to keep in mind is that it is not about finding that “perfect” place, it is about finding a space that fulfills your business requirement. Now, Let’s break this into segments and see what are the points to keep in mind while looking for office space.

points to keep in mind for selecting office space
  1. Location

“There are three things that make a hotel famous- Location, location, location” Ellsworth Statler, father of the modern hotel industry. This one is pretty obvious, right? I mean finding the right location is utmost. But what are the points to be considered while looking for an office location? 

  • Is it easy to locate?  You obviously don’t want to spend or waste your money on commuting. So, find a spot where you can reach in no time.
  • How convenient is it to your co-workers? It is fair to take your employees or co-workers into consideration while choosing a location.
  • How is the security near the locality? 
  • What is in the Neighbourhood? Is there a coffee shop or maybe a dine in place, you might want to consider this option?
how to find office space
  1. Space

Hereby space, we are talking about size for our office. While everyone wants a well-located space, the space is limited. It is recommended to have 80-100 square feet per person, however, this can vary according to our requirements as we know what’s best for us. Few points you need to consider while designing office space-

  • Do you need a separate space in your office for clients meeting?
  • Are my employees going to be happy with the space allotted to them for their work/social activities?
  • Do I have room for a growing staff?

Space also plays an equally important part in attracting new clients or businesses.

  1. Economical

Now, another most important and fundamental aspect is “cost-effective”. You don’t want to invest all your money on a lump-sum rent, a fancy office with a cafeteria, and all the fancy decor. Start slow, keep cost at a minimum if it means sharing a desk with your partner or co-worker. Few questions you can ask yourself while thinking about your office space-  

  • Also talk about deposits. How many months’ deposit can you afford? 
  • Can you afford the maintenance, parking and any other extra costs of the place?
  • Are prices any different from another space in the same area? 
  • You can also consider a shared work space until you have a sale that can lead you to your place. 
how to find office space
  1. Infrastructure & Design

For some businesses, infrastructure & interiors can be very important features. Good infrastructure & designs play a vital role in creating a positive response. Also having a fine infrastructure and style will for sure create a good “brand image”. It is essential to pay attention to a couple of things-

  • Internet- For Companies who cannot function without a reliable internet connection, while leasing out a property it is essential to check the cost of getting a line connection on monthly payment. Check that your office locality has a proper internet network.
  • Facilities for restrooms that also include the cleaning and maintenance.
  • Furniture- A well furnished office space helps you organize your work and gives a professional look to the office. 
  • Telecom connection as it is next to impossible for one to function without a mobile phone.
  • Re-designing if required you should also be able to re-design the interiors according to your brand aesthetics.
  1. Lease term

For a business to thrive, it’s not enough to choose the right property—you also need to pick the right lease. A good landlord/tenant match in commercial real estate requires a lease that benefits both sides. The business lease should not be taken lightly. These are the few points you need to discuss while finalizing lease terms- 

  • Decide what will be the lease tenure.
  • Discuss what will be the increment after a year.
  • Decide who will pay maintenance and include it in your lease terms.
  • If you are doing a long term lease, try to register your lease deed.


It is not about renting or owning a fancy space, it is about meeting your own requirements according to your needs. Cost is one of the major factors you should consider but also focus on the big picture, look for opportunities that help you grow, and if required always reach out to an expert for advice because a good office space brings out a good brand image. You can find office space as per your need on

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